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Australia Delays Digital-Dividend Radio Spectrum Auction to Next Year

22 июня 2012

The Australian government has decided to delay the digital-dividend auction from this November to next April.

The digital dividend auction includes spectrum in the 700 MHz band as well as spectrum in the 2.5 GHz band. This spectrum will become available mainly as a result of the switch to digital-only television broadcasting by the end of 2013.

The statement said that the government considers this revised timing will maximise the product certainty for potential bidders. It will also provide sufficient time for bidders to plan and deploy networks before their licences commence on 1 January 2015.

In light of the Minister's announcement, which responds to stakeholder concerns regarding product certainty and licence commencement, the regulator, the ACMA said that there is also no longer any need to undertake a specific consultation on this issue.

A number of digital TV services will then need to be moved to new channels (or restacked) before the 700 MHz digital dividend spectrum can be made available to successful bidders.

"The Australian Government committed $143.2 million in the 2012-13 Budget to ensure that the spectrum is released in a timely fashion with minimal disruption for viewers," Senator Conroy said. "My Department is working with the ACMA and the broadcasting industry to implement the restack. The Government expects that this reorganisation of affected digital TV services will be completed by 31 December 2014."

Stakeholders who have any outstanding concerns regarding the auction date, or matters related to the availability of spectrum in the 700 MHz band, can incorporate their feedback in the second round of consultation on the draft legislative instruments, which is scheduled for July 2012.


Источник: Cellular news

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