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MTS continues with Teleste to expand their nationwide digital TV infrastructure

07 сентября 2012

Teleste and Mobile TeleSystems ("MTS") announced new supplemental deployments of Teleste Luminato video headend platform and Teleste Broadcast Manager service management system to MTS nationwide digital TV headend network.

Development of fixed broadband network and digital services is one of the core areas MTS seeks to concentrate. The company has a goal to convert all its’ networks in digital format during 2012-2013 to enable operator’s subscribers in all regions of Russia to use advanced packages of TV channels, additional services and high definition content. In order to meet the objective, MTS selected Teleste as a supplier of digital video headend equipment last year and now, few months later, tens of headends are installed and serving subscribers with high quality video content.

Due to reliable operation and easy and fast commissioning of the newly installed headends, MTS is already now able and ready to move forward with of the digitalisation program, and expand to new cities which will be also equipped with Teleste headend platforms. Further, the existing Teleste headends will be supplemented with additional Luminato equipment to enrich subscribers’ service selection with tens of additional channels.

“We are very pleased with the progress we have had and how our plans have realized. The short timeframe from selecting Teleste as our provider to the situation where the new services were available to subscribers in the planned extent has exceeded our expectations. Our decision to carry out this project with Teleste has proved to be successful. When deciding about expanding to new locations, we didn’t hesitate to continue with Teleste”, states Boris Tomilin, the Chief of TV Division in Fixed Network Development Department, MTS OJSC.

“We are impressed by the management and efficiency of MTS in implementing the nationwide project is such a short time. And, it is great to notice that also we have been able to fulfill the requirements set by MTS all the way from headend functionality to installations and delivery times. The best indication of a satisfied customer, along with positive feedback, is continuing projects. We are delighted to move forward with MTS and do our utmost best to guarantee successful project”, comments Jukka Rinnevaara, the president and CEO of Teleste.

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