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Cable Feeling Bandwidth Crunch

18 декабря 2007

Surging demand for HDTV, VoD, time-shifting video services like DVRs, and internet video … all that stuff and other services are depleting bandwidth reserves on cable networks.

Despite talk from MSOs (and Wall Street analysts) that cable won't spend a lot of money to address bandwidth demands, cable operators could be forced to upgrade networks with new technology aimed at conserving and reusing bandwidth. That's the conclusion in a report from Heavy Reading, the market research division of CMP's Light Reading. Cable Feeling Bandwidth Crunch

"Cable network operators have come to realize that customer demand for bandwidth, which has been climbing faster and higher than anyone expected, will soon outstrip their ability to supply that bandwidth with technologies now in place," said Alan BREZNICK, senior analyst with Heavy Reading and author of the report.

Multiplatform rivals aren't going to make it any easier on cable.

"Competitive pressure from satellite network operators and telco IPTV providers will force cable MSOs to find solutions to their bandwidth problem sooner rather than later,” said Breznick.

Switched digital video is being utilized by operators to alleviate bandwidth crunches. "Over the past year, SDV has emerged as the leading choice on this menu - beating out such alternatives as fiber node segmentation, MPEG-4 video encoding, improved quadrature amplitude modulation, plant upgrades to 1GHz capacity, out-of-band spectrum overlays, and deep-fiber drops, among others,” said Breznick.

Источник: SkyREPORT

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