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Everything Everywhere launches drive into M2M

05 октября 2011

Everything Everywhere is launching a major assault on the M2M market under the leadership of new CEO Olaf Swantee.

The operator is on a major drive to forge new M2M partnerships in vertical markets including health, education, logistics and transport.

Swantee has made the M2M market a key target, as the operator seeks new sources of revenue to offset declining voice and text revenues.

The move throws down the gauntlet to Vodafone, which currently dominates the M2M market. As part of its drive into M2M, Everything Everywhere has inked the first of a series of landmark M2M deals this week.

The new deal sees the operator provide Sim cards for Redtail Telematics and its sister organisation the Plextek Group, which supplies GPS tracking devices for stolen vehicle recovery, fleet management and smart insurance.

To support its drive into M2M the operator has also forged an M2M service agreement with parent companies France Télécom and Deutsche Telekom and launched an M2M Management Platform built by its MVNA partner Transatel, which will be used to manage its M2M business.

Marc Overton, VP of wholesale and M2M told Mobile: ‘M2M is now a significant growth opportunity for Everything Everywhere.

‘We are redefining what wholesale and M2M do, not only in the UK but internationally via France Telecom and Deutsche Telekom’s international footprint, which gives us a real opportunity to compete against Vodafone for international business.’

Overton said Everything Everywhere was targeting a number of vertical markets including logistics, smart metering, the Smart Grid, the automotive industry, insurance and healthcare.

‘Over the next 12 months we will be announcing more and more deals as we start to build credibility in this category and educate various verticals on what we can do for them.’

Overton said the M2M strategy has the full backing of Olaf Swantee. ‘Olaf very much sees M2M as a key driver of new growth – it is no longer about being just a network operator.’

Источник: Mobile Magazine

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