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M2M Roll Outs Supported by Smart Metering as Market Reaches over 400m Connected Devices by 2016

27 июля 2011

Smart metering will account for over 40% of the 400m M2M connected devices by 2016, according to a new Juniper Research report.

While revenues per connection lag behind those of other M2M segments, the increasing volume of smart meter deployment means that this area of the broader M2M market will create a significant revenue stream in its own right.

Juniper found that organisations upholding a direct relationship with the end-customer will benefit most from this new market. Services that offer both to enable and to manage connectivity will be the main winners, rather than those that offer only connectivity.

“High device numbers in the smart metering area of the M2M market will mean that smart metering will remain an important corner stone of the M2M industry,” states Anthony Cox, Associate Analyst at Juniper Research. “Automotive telematics and embedded consumer electronics devices are also gaining momentum so the revenue prospects of M2M as a whole are improving.”

Further findings from the M2M & Embedded Strategies report include the following.

  • Annual revenues from M2M services will exceed $35 billion by 2016.
  • Lead times and deployment rates differ significantly according to the industry, as well as the size and complexity of deployment.
  • Developed markets, particularly the US, are leading both in terms of deployment and awareness of M2M.
  • Remote Healthcare offers significant long-term promise for M2M, though deployment will be limited over the next five years.
  • Class action law suits in the US have, to some extent, dented the prospects for smart metering projects.

The report includes a comprehensive analysis of the current state of play in the Embedded Mobile and M2M market and contains five year forecasts for M2M device numbers, service revenues, connectivity enablement revenues and data traffic values.

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