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WLAN-enabled device shipments to hit 1.2bn in 2011

18 апреля 2011

Shipments of devices embedded with wireless local area network (WLAN) modules will top 1 billion for the first time in 2011 to reach 1.2 billion by the end of the year, predicted IHS iSuppli.

The figure represents 25.8% growth compared to 2010, when 880.4 million products with built-in WLAN technology – such as WiFi – were shipped.

"Consumers expect seamless access to Internet communications, services and content in any place and at any time," said Jagdish Rebello, director and principal analyst at IHS, in a research note.

Handsets represent the largest category for embedded WLAN, with 512.8 million units expected to ship this year, according to IHS, followed by mobile PCs at 230.1 million units.

"Consumers depend on built-in WLAN technology to get the most out of their electronic products [and] because of this, embedded WLAN is becoming the norm for all kinds of devices," he said, noting that the penetration of WLAN-enabled devices stood at just 1% in 2002.

IHS expects shipments of embedded WLAN devices to rise to 2 billion by 2015 as new device categories are equipped with WLAN modules.

The two categories forecast to see the fastest growth are in-car entertainment and navigation systems, which will see a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 98.2% between 2010 and 2015, and TVs, with a CAGR of 77.8% over the same period.

"Other fast-growing segments in the coming years will be digital camcorders and still cameras, DVD players and recorders, and ebook readers," said IHS.

Источник: Total Telecom

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