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Global IPTV subscribers predicted to hit 50m this year

24 марта 2011

The number of IPTV subscribers worldwide rocketed in 2010, with the strongest growth rates coming from the Middle East and Africa, according to new figures published Wednesday. Europe continues to lead the way in terms of absolute customer numbers, but Asia is poised to take its crown in the coming months.

There were 45.36 million IPTV customers in the world at the end of last year, up 34.65% on-year, Laurie Gonzalez, marketing director at industry body the Broadband Forum, told attendees at IP&TV World Forum in London. The statistics were provided by Point Topic.

“We are expecting to hit the 50 million milestone this year,” she said.

Europe accounted for 20.72 million, or almost 46% of the total, having seen connections rise by almost 25% over 12 months. But Asia is not far behind, a growth rate of 51.01% having taken its connections to 16.37 million.

“In 2011 Asia will probably overtake [Europe],” Gonzalez predicted.

Asia's leading market is China (including Hong Kong and Macau), which ranked as the world's second-largest IPTV market by connections at the start of the year, behind perennial global leader France.

“France and China hit the 10 million subscribers milestone for IPTV,” in the fourth quarter of 2010, said Gonzalez.

Next largest is the U.S., with 7.31 million, followed by South Korea, Japan and Germany – in that order – with between 3.65 million and 1.51 million customers. The rest of the top 10 all hail from Europe and all have fewer than 1 million subscribers. The only one of the top 10 to lose customers in Q4 was Italy, which saw its IPTV base decline slightly to 819,000. “[Italy is] truly at a point of saturation,” Gonzalez noted.

The strongest region for growth was the Middle East and Africa, where IPTV subscriptions increased by 63.48% last year. However, the starting point was low, leaving the region with 218,500 connections at year-end.

Источник: Total Telecom

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