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China VoIP suppliers get boost in tough economy

15 ноября 2010

VoIP is on the rise and nowhere can it be seen more exponentially than China. With its population dwarfing the size of most other countries and its roaring--for these tough times anyway--economy pushing it technological development at an ever fast place, China is a great place to watch some VoIP trends.

Research and Markets just released their China Sourcing Report: VoIP Products 2010 in which they describe the rise of the voice over IP industry in that country. Just like in the U.S., Chinese companies are using the economic downturn as an catalyst to explore migrating to VoIP technology. Many suppliers in China are offering themselves up as a one-stop shop with a wider selection of products to make it easier for businesses to get everything from them.

One of the neat things mentioned in the release is that with the widespread availability of wireless networks, mobile VoIP has a lot of legs in China. The report expects that mobile traffic for VoIP will exceed 100 percent annually every year until 2014.

Источник: FierceVoIP

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