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Sprint unveils 4G netbook

25 октября 2010

US operator Sprint has unveiled what it claims is the world’s first 3G/4G (CDMA/WiMAX) embedded netbook to spur adoption of its WiMAX network.

Sprint launched the Dell Inspiron Mini 10 (1012) with Windows 7 Starter, and a slightly larger notebook, the Dell Inspiron 11z with Windows 7 Premium. The netbook will be available from October 31 through select channels, while both the notebook will be available from November 14.

The netbook will be free, and the notebook US$150: both after a $100 rebate and a Sprint Mobile Broadband two-year agreement. Sprint Mobile Broadband plan options are 3G/4G plan for $60/month for unlimited 4G and 5GB of 3G/month, while the 3G only plan, for $40, includes 500MB of 3G data per month.

Источник: telecoms.com

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