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Australia Expects to Offer Additional Radio Spectrum in 2013

28 июня 2010

­The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is to start a consultation on the release of 126 Megahertz of ultra-high frequency (UHF) spectrum as part of the Digital Dividend. The consultation will start with the release of a public discussion paper in the third quarter of this year setting out planning and allocation issues and options for new spectrum licences.

Uses of 'digital dividend' spectrum are expected to include advanced wireless broadband services, massively expanding the capacity of mobile telephone services to carry broadband data. Wireless broadband data traffic has begun to grow exponentially in recent years, driven by consumer devices such as Apple's iPhone. There are widespread industry expectations this growth will continue.

"Where spectrum is to be allocated for wireless broadband, benefits to the Australian population will be maximised by a price-based allocation of spectrum licences to those who value them the most," said ACMA Chairman, Chris Chapman.

With the final switch-off of analog television scheduled for late in 2013 in the largest cities, there will be time to complete the allocation of the new licences before the spectrum becomes available. This should minimise any period of 'dead air' between analog TV switch-off and the commencement of new services under spectrum licences and provide certainty to parties both vacating and entering the digital dividend spectrum space.

Yielding the digital dividend will require the closest of cooperation with the free-to-air television industry. Other uses of affected broadcasting spectrum will also require consultation and the development of options for future operations. For example, some wireless microphones used for stage productions and small scale public address will be affected by this decision.

Источник: Cellular news

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