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Intel, Orange collaborate on MeeGo platform

04 марта 2010

Intel and Orange today announced a strategic agreement  to deliver Orange multimedia services across a number of devices based on the Intel® Atom™ Processor and MeeGo software platform. 

MeeGo, a result of a merger of the Linux-based Moblin™ and Maemo software projects unveiled at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, enables an open software environment for rapid development of a range of smart, PC-like devices and exciting new services.

Establishing a common software framework across multiple devices, ranging from smartphones and tablets to netbooks, Intel and Orange will simplify access to an increasingly mobile and personalized internet and drive uptake of new and existing applications and services. MeeGo builds on the capabilities of the Moblin core OS and its support for a wide range of device types and reference user experiences, combined with the momentum of Maemo in the mobile industry and the broadly adopted Qt application and UI framework for software developers.

Intel and Orange will work to increase the availability of Orange Signature Services, such as Orange TV and Orange Maps, which will be supported by the MeeGo environment. Intel and Orange will also work to harness the potential of a converging computing and communication’s platform enabling customers to enjoy services across multiple devices and screens.

 “Seventy-five percent of our customer base has yet to embrace the mobile internet. With the increasing number of phones and operating systems for customers to choose from, it is our role to make sure our customer’s journey into this richer mobile multimedia environment is simple and easy,” said Yves Maitre, SVP Devices, Orange Group.  “Our collaboration with Intel on the MeeGo software platform will not only ensure a broader choice in terms of screens and devices, but that customers continue to benefit from a consistent user experience delivered through Orange Signature services, including a customized home-screen they trust and recognize, the highest quality network and secure and simplified billing.”

“The Intel Atom processor has been a terrific success in the marketplace so far,” said Doug Fisher, vice president, Software and Services Group and general manager, Systems Software Division, Intel Corporation. “Combined with the MeeGo software platform, these PC-like devices will deliver a wealth of Internet, computing and communications experiences with rich graphics, multitasking and multimedia capabilities and the best applications performance. Orange and Intel share a similar vision around digital devices and consumer experiences and our joint work will connect people to the content that matters most, wherever they may be.”

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