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IPTV: Growth spreads around the globe

15 декабря 2009

This analysis is taken from the updated report IPTV (video content over broadband) published to mark the launch of the latest service from Point Topic, IPTV Source.  Built to help you focus on this particular broadband value added service it provides all you need to understand the technology, the market and the players.  

By the end of Q2 2009, Point Topic estimates that there were just over 26.3 million IPTV subscribers worldwide. That was an annual increase of 53%, up from 17.1 million a year previously.

“Growth in many of the early adopter countries, the US, France, Hong Kong for example has been steady rather than spectacular, the real action is starting to take place elsewhere,” says John Bosnell, Senior Analyst at Point Topic.

Figure 1: Total IPTV subscribers and selected markets (q204-q209)


The number of markets with notable IPTV deployments has quadrupled in the last 5 years.

South America, Eastern and more of Western Europe are coming on stream. In addition, as regulation in some of the more mature markets starts to catch up with the technology, new impetus has been seen in subscriber growth.

“In themselves these numbers are pretty impressive, but market growth has not been as rapid as some IPTV evangelists might have hoped for.,” says Bosnell

IPTV faces a range of challenges

Taking market share from other video delivery systems offers a significantly tougher set of challenges than, for example, those faced by broadband which had more straightforward path to market dominance offering a significant set of USPs compared to dial-up internet access.

“TV and the delivery of the content is a mature market. There are an entrenched set of suppliers, often fenced with regulatory, even protectionist, hurdles. Add to this the lack of a stand-out USP particularly when compared to cable TV and IPTV is plainly in a tough fight for subscribers,” says Bosnell.

Streaming video also requires bandwidth that is only just becoming available in many markets. Where the delivery and regulation allow however, for example Hong Kong, consumers will sign up to IPTV. In Hong Kong over 50% of PCCW’’s broadband customers now take an IPTV service.

“It’’s difficult to make direct comparisons between markets. With so many variables in terms of the infrastructure, the existing market, the bundles and content on offer, the various suppliers and the local regulations there will be different take-up rates across the world. Expecting IPTV to grow as rapidly as broadband itself isn’’t a valid approach. With IPTV it’’s a case of don’’t believe the hype, but ignore its future at your peril,” says Bosnell.


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