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Mobile broadband subs to hit 3bn in five years

08 сентября 2009

The telecoms landscape is set to change exponentially over the coming years, and Ericsson CFO and CEO-elect Hans Vestberg shared his vision of the industry for the next few years and as far ahead as 2050.

“[In five years] we will almost have 3 billion mobile broadband subscribers,” Vestberg told attendees at Broadband World Forum Europe in Paris.

There are currently 4 billion mobile users worldwide, “and in five years we are forecasting maybe 7 billion,” he added, noting that this number will naturally include some users with more than one SIM.

“It’s a fantastic growth we can see in front of us,” he said.

By 2020, broadband will move “from the phase of installation to the phase of deployment,” he went on, likening the development of broadband to that of steam, coal and iron, which spawned the railways, and steel and heavy engineering, which gave rise to steam ships; both developments created new ‘highways’, or opportunities to explore new places.

“In 2020 [broadband] will be massively deployed,” he said, adding that telecoms players have the opportunity to take the lead in defining what applications and services will run on those highways.

“We can see some 50 billion connections in 2020,” Vestberg predicted, explaining that not all these connections will be used at all times, and not all will be human connections. Non-human connections could include the installation of soft SIM cards in cars, that could be programmed to turn on motorway lights late at night as needed, thereby reducing power consumption, or could facilitate virtual universities.

By 2050 the focus will be squarely on sustainability, Vestberg said, noting that, with some investment, the telecoms industry could have the potential to reduce global CO2 emissions by 15%-20%.

Источник: Total Telecom

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