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French mobile traffic dips, IPTV adoption rises to 6.2m

06 мая 2009

France's adoption of IPTV and VoIP continued apace in 2008, while overall mobile traffic fell despite strong growth in mobile data usage, according to new figures compiled by French regulator Arcep.

French operators' flat-rate triple play packages continued to drive subscriber uptake in the fourth quarter of 2008, according to the new market data published on Monday. The number of IPTV subscribers in France reached 6.2 million at the end of the end of 2008, up 36.8% from the previous year.

During 2008 there was a 2.6% growth of fixed subscribers in France, which reached 40.7 million at the end of the fourth quarter.

However, the French mobile industry experienced its first ever decline in mobile voice revenues, which fell year-on-year 0.4% in the fourth quarter, accompanied by a 0.4% drop in overall mobile traffic and a 4.3% drop in on-net traffic.

This was despite a 4.7% annual rise in mobile users, which stood at 58 million at the end of 2008, when measured in SIM cards. Arcep found that average spend on a mobile subscription slipped 2.1% to €27.3.

There was, however, some good news for mobile operators.

Overall, revenues still grew in the fourth quarter of 2008, albeit at a slower pace, to reach a total of €4.7 billion, up 3.2% from the previous year. Mobile data proved to be a key driver, generating €840 million of revenues during the fourth quarter of 2008, up 23.6% compared to the same period a year ago.

In addition Arcep said the number of Internet only SIMs in use in France almost doubled over the year to reach one million. Data now accounts for 18% of overall mobile revenues in France.

Yet in the fixed market, growth in the uptake of new lines and services did not translate into increased spend per line.

Fully 35% of subscriptions are now based on VoIP, resulting in 47% of traffic from a fixed line and 67% of all international calls being based on IP, said Arcep. The average spend per fixed-line stood at €36.9 before tax at the end of 2008, down 0.2% from the last quarter of 2007.

Arcep said the cost of an Internet subscription remained stable at €24 before tax.

Nevertheless, line uptake helped grow French telecom operators revenues by 2.8% to reach €11.345 billion before tax in the last quarter of 2008, despite a 0.5% drop in the number of minutes used.

Meanwhile communication services alone generated revenues of €10.2 billion, up 1.9%.


Источник: Total Telecom

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