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China to have most 3G connections by Q3

11 марта 2009

China will be the world's largest 3G market by the third quarter of this year, despite only having issued licences a few months ago, according to a local analyst firm.

There will be 660,000 3G connections in China by Q3, CCID predicted in a recent report, according to Chinese equipment vendor ZTE.

The connections will be split between the country's three telcos, with China Mobile's TD-SCDMA network taking the lion's share with more than 300,000 lines.

In a related story, China Mobile plans to invest 650 million yuan ($95 million) in helping small companies develop better 3G handsets, IT minister Li Yizhong said on Tuesday. The operator is concerned that there are insufficient TD-SCDMA handsets available.

China Unicom, which holds a licence to offer services based on the WCDMA standard, is forecast to reach 200,000 lines by the same date, with the remainder – around 160,000 connections – will be attributable to China Telecom and its cdma2000 network.

The research firm also reported that at present local equipment manufacturers dominate the Chinese 3G infrastructure market.

ZTE has the largest share of at 29.3%, closely followed by Huawei with 21.9% and rival Datang at 12.6%.

Foreign equipment vendors lag some way behind the big two Chinese players.

Ericsson leads the way with 10.9%, while Nokia Siemens Networks and Alcatel-Lucent have claimed 6.8% each.

Источник: Total Telecom

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