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Economic slowdown accelerates Linux growth in mobile handsets

16 февраля 2009

As the worldwide economic situation deteriorates, handset OEMs and mobile operators are looking to Linux-based operating systems to cut costs and diversify their handset portfolios, according to a new study from IMS Research.

While Linux-based operating systems have had a presence in the mobile handset market for years, growth has been slow and steady until recently. However, recent announcements from Motorola, Vodafone, HTC, and Huawei, among others, all stating that Linux-based operating systems will figure in to their upcoming handset releases, clearly demonstrate that OEMs and operators are ready to embrace Linux on a larger scale. "There are multiple factors driving the growth of the market for Linux in mobile handsets. In the current economy, the need to manage costs has pushed OEMs and operators toward the potential licensing and royalty savings available with Linux," commented IMS Research analyst Chris Schreck.

Источник: FierceWireless

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