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MegaFon adds most new users in Russia in Oct

20 ноября 2008

MegaFon's drive to steal mobile market share from its competitors continued in October, with the Russian operator taking the lion's share of new customer additions.

Third-placed MegaFon is closing the gap on closest rival Vimpelcom, adding almost a million new customers last month alone, according to the latest figures from analyst firm Advanced Communications & Media.

MegaFon's 960,894 new subscribers gave it a 38.7% share of
Russia's total net additions and took its customer base to 42.32 million.

That leaves it a short way behind number two player Vimpelcom, which boasts a total base of 45.88 million in
Russia, having signed up 31.7% of the country's net adds last month.

While MTS lags behind its rivals in terms of new additions, claiming just 19.4% in October, it will be some time before the market leader's position comes under threat.

MTS' 62.36 million customers give it a 34.3% share of the market, compared with Vimpelcom's 25.2% and MegaFon's 23.2%.

Russia as a whole there were just over 182 million mobile users at 31 October, up from 179.54 million at the end of September, according to AC&M's figures.

Penetration now stands at 125.4%, boosted by the major cities;
Moscow and St. Petersburg have mobile penetration of 178.4% and 161.8% respectively.

Источник: Total Telecom

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