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Digital TV sales defy slowdown

23 июля 2008

US consumers are continuing spend more on flat-panel digital televisions and other consumer electronics products despite the credit crunch and economic slowdown, according to figures released yesterday by the Washington-based Consumer Electronics Association.

The CEA's forecast suggests that US consumer electronics shipments will grow by 7.3 per cent this year, to $173bn. The latest forecast increases CEA's projection for 2008 shipment revenues, last updated in January this year, by $2bn.

"In a tough economy, consumers turn to consumer electronics products for many reasons, from entertaining in the home to telecommuting to save gas," said Gary Shapiro, the association's president and chief executive.

Among the hottest-selling consumer electronics products are digital displays, with annual shipment revenues now approaching $28bn, or 16 per cent of all consumer electronics shipment revenues.

Although some highdefinition television makers have recently voiced concern that the slump in the housing market might hurt flat- panel sales volumes in the US this year, the CEA figures suggest that those fears have yet to materialise.

In fact, the CEA report suggests that the imminent US switch from analogue to digital television broadcasting, due to take place in February next year, coupled with the rapid decline in flat-panel television prices, has accelerated digital television adoption.

Meanwhile, video gaming wholesale revenues will increase to more than $21bn this year, according to the CEA, led by a 27 per cent increase in video gaming software shipments this year.

Revenues from smartphones, including Apple's new 3G iPhone, are expected to grow by 51 per cent this year, comprising 28 per cent of total wireless handset shipments.

Источник: Financial Times

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