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TV viewing figures defy talk of decline

28 мая 2008

Blockbuster programmes may come and go, technologies may rise and fall, but there is nothing quite like the British weather to influence television viewing habits, new figures on Wednesday show.

Commercial television enjoyed its best April in five years with an increase of 10.2 per cent in viewing hours over 2007, while commercial impacts – the number of times one adult watched a full 30-second advertisement – increased 13.5 per cent.

Azon Howie, head of broadcast at Carat UK, the media buyer, said: “I think a big factor is the weather. April last year was really nice weather and this year it has been a bit pants, hasn’t it?”

Mr Howie added that programming had also been strong in the commercial sector and said ITV had been performing really well.

The figures, compiled by the Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board, did not include online television services such as the BBC’s iPlayer or IPTV on the internet, but did show a 4.9 per cent increase in television watched by 16 to 24-year-olds, a group supposed to have abandoned the television for the PC.

“These figures also tell you that the migration online is not happening as fast as the hype would have you believe,” said Mr Howie, adding that “television does not look like an industry in decline from these figures”.

Tess Alps, chief executive of Thinkbox, the commercial television industry’s representative body, said: “The rise in commercial television is also driven very much by the switchover to digital channels, because the BBC’s share is diluted and that is a continuing pattern.”

The Barb figures showed that people watched an average of three hours and 45 minutes of television a day, including the BBC, an increase of 10 per cent compared with 2007, with new technologies such as digital recorders, as well as the April showers, contributing to the rise.

Источник: Financial Times

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