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Verizon and AT&T win Homeland Security contracts

15 мая 2008

Verizon Business said on Wednesday it has won a contract with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security worth around $678.5 million over 10 years.

Verizon Business said it will provide Internet protocol (IP) and security services, as well as emergency communications services to help the department respond quickly to disasters.

Verizon was the primary winner of the 10-year, $20 billion contract to provide a full range of telecommunications and related network services to the federal government.

Verizon said it will help the 22 agencies that are part of the department combine their separate networks onto a common IP network.

AT&T Government Solutions, a business unit of AT&T Inc, won a $292 million contract to serve as the secondary network service provider in the Eastern and Western region.

Источник: Reuters

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