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Lockheed Martin Tests its Through-The-Earth Wireless Communication System

22 июля 2010

US military company, Lockheed Martin says that it has conducted an in-mine test of a wireless, through-the-earth communications system - the MagneLink Magnetic Communication System (MCS). The system is being developed to meet the mining industry's post-accident emergency communications requirement. The system provides voice communication and texting to give trapped miners fail-safe communication during a catastrophe.

The system works by transmitting magnetic waves through the earth without the transmission wires and in-ground infrastructure currently required to communicate via standard radio transmissions. It is a portable, two-way, voice- and text-capable emergency communication system operating at ranges sufficient to communicate from the surface into deep underground mines.

"During the test, MagneLink MCS performed superbly," said Warren Gross, MagneLink MCS program manager. "The system interfaced with hand-held radios similar to the Miner Emergency Radios (MERs) and functioned as a multi-band receiver, establishing communications with multiple MagneLink MCS units without the requirement for the MCS units to be on the same channel to receive transmissions."

MagneLink MCS will bring a significant emergency communications capability to the mining industry in the event of an accident where miners are trapped and have no other means of communicating with rescue teams on the surface.

Lockheed Martin and the Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) are currently working to certify the equipment for use in mines. MagneLink MCS systems will be available following MSHA certification.

Источник: Cellular news

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