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Sharp to move into Chinese mobile market

17 марта 2008

Sharp is set to start selling its mobile phones in China ahead of the Beijing Olympics this year in a rare overseas foray by one of Japan’s leading consumer electronics companies.

Sharp to move into Chinese mobile marketIn spite of their cutting-edge technology, Japanese handset makers have a very small presence abroad, partly because they cannot compete with the economies of scale that Nokia, Motorola and Samsung possess. Japanese mobile interfaces also tend to be more complex than their peers’, which has put off some overseas users.

Sharp would be one of the few Japanese company selling mobile phones in China following rival Kyocera’s withdrawal. NEC has stopped selling mass-market phones. Sony Ericsson, the Swedish-Japanese joint venture, sells phones in China.

“China will be a promising market in the next decade or two and, with the Japanese market maturing, we need to look to overseas markets,” Sharp said. “It’s an Olympic year, and a good time to bring high-end mobile phones to the market.”

The company said that it was still in talks with Chinese operators.

Sharp is Japan’s leading mobile handset maker. In spite of pioneering cutting-edge technology, such as e-wallets and mobile TV, Japan’s manufacturers have been unable to compete globally.

The sector in Japan remains highly fragmented – there are more than 10 mobile makers – leaving no clear leader with the economies of scale needed to compete with foreign rivals.

Источник: Financial Times

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