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17 января 2007 |
He writes that Microsoft had created "medium power" settings as the default to be used when a laptop was running on battery power, and that this default setting was using a sleep function which is now integral to 802.11. Fisher says that rather than "sleep," we would be better off referring to this function as "micro-sleep" (my suggestion: "nap") because the low-power mode does not shut down the adapter. Rather, it instructs the APs to place packets in queue and deliver them in larger bunches in order to allow the adapter rest time between updates. The problem? Beta tests showed that some older routers failed to recognize newer clients as being in sleep mode, so packets were lost. In response, Microsoft changed the default mode from "medium" to "maximum power," allowing customers or OEM to determine for themselves how to set this function.
Fisher is right to note that what we see here is an indication of a larger problem: "This is the sort of problem that can happen when new standards are augmented before all the ramifications have been worked out - the concerns over interoperability between various devices implementing the not-yet-ratified 802.11n standard are another example of this effect."
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