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Alcatel-Lucent Showcases Interactive IPTV Portal Solution at CeBIT

06 марта 2008

Alcatel-Lucent is demonstrating an interactive IPTV portal that will be implemented as a field trial in the city of Friedrichshafen within Deutsche Telekoms "T-City" project within the next months.

The IPTV portal enables integration of local content, such as video and news. Additionally, the portal enables IPTV users to interact with local content, by rating videos, participating in games and receiving information by clicking on advertising banners.

The CeBIT demonstration and
Friedrichshafen deployment are based on Alcatel-Lucent's 5930 Interactive Media Manager and the Microsoft Mediaroom IPTV and multimedia platform.

"This is another step towards interactive TV in
Germany", says Alf Henryk Wulf, Vice Chairman of Alcatel-Lucent in Germany.

Interactive Media Manager The 5930 Interactive Media Manager (IMM) product suite is a ready-to-deploy, end-to-end solution for delivering interactive television services across any platform (IPTV, digital satellite, digital cable, digital terrestrial, PC and mobile). The suite consists of applications and tools that help operators create, manage and distribute revenue-generating interactive applications, such as interactive advertising, enhanced TV, sponsorship, portals, and participation TV. The three key modules within the suite are the 5930 Interactive Media Manager (IMM), 5930 Interactive Media Gallery (IMG), and 5930 Interactive Media Response (IMR).

The Alcatel-Lucent 5930 IMM significantly reduces the cost of creating, managing, testing and deploying interactive TV applications for multiple digital television platforms. It provides an enhanced service on all Alcatel-Lucent supported IPTV platforms and enables customers to monetize their existing infrastructure.

Источник: FierceWireless

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