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Russia's Medvedev lauds online media freedom

18 февраля 2008

Russia's president-in-waiting Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday media freedoms are guaranteed in Russia - by the Internet.

Дмитрий МедведевThe 42-year-old Medvedev, currently Russia's First Deputy Prime Minister, told journalists he went online to check news and views at the beginning and end of each working day.

"There is news from the main channels, regional channels, there is news from foreign channels and finally there is news produced, so to say, on media sites which hold opposition views against the authorities."

"They can post all their clips and all their speeches there, generally they say unpleasant things about the authorities," he said after a speech in the Siberian city of Krasnoyask. "This guarantees the independence of the mass media, in my opinion."

Most Russians receive their news and information from television which is tightly controlled by the state.

The main newspapers are also dominated by pro-Kremlin groups and editors, consigning Russia's marginalized opposition media to the Internet, radio and low-circulation newspapers.

The hugely popular Russian President Vladimir Putin has named Medvedev as his preferred successor virtually guaranteeing him victory in a March 2 election.
All opinion polls show Medvedev far ahead of his opponents.

Источник: Reuters

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