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UK mobile companies to develop advertising standards

12 февраля 2008

The UK’s five mobile operators, Vodafone, Orange, O2, T-Mobile and 3, will on Monday announce that they are working together to develop common measurement standards for mobile advertising.

The companies will work with the GSM Association, the global trade association for the handset industry, to pool information on customer numbers and usage patterns. This will help develop a common set of metrics for measuring the reach of mobile advertising.

Mobile advertising is seen as potentially lucrative new source of revenues for mobile operators, but some advertisers have been hesitant to try mobile campaigns because it is not clear how their effectiveness can be measured.

Operators have historically been relatively secretive with their key customer data, and nearly half of advertising buyers polled in a recent Jupiter Research survey cited measurement difficulties as a key obstacle in mobile advertising.

“Mobile offers advertisers a new opportunity and we are responding to repeated demand from media planners around the world for more transparency of mobile channel,” said Richard Saggers, head of mobile advertising at Vodafone.

The GSM Association is hoping to expand the pooling of advertising information to other countries, if the UK project progresses well.

Источник: Financial Times

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