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Agilent signals new product

07 февраля 2008

Agilent Technologies Inc. has now made available a compact microwave analog signal generator that delivers a low cost of ownership and is an extension to the popular Agilent MXG signal generator platform.

Agilent signals new product The generator provides frequency coverage to 20, 32 or 40 GHz. Featuring fast frequency switching speeds, high reliability and easy self-maintenance, this mid-performance signal generator provides manufacturing and R&D engineers working on broadband components and systems with the performance required to make a wide range of broadband measurements. It is especially well suited for EW, radar, military communications and broadband wireless access applications. The Agilent N5183A MXG is an economy class, continuous wave (CW) signal generator specifically designed to maximize uptime and reduce cost of ownership. Its less than or equal to 900-microsecond switching speed enables a dramatic increase in throughput. A key feature of the Agilent N5183A MXG is its ability to deliver a combination of high output power and excellent level accuracy. With +18 dBm to 20 GHz output power, it is able to overcome losses and drive high-power devices. Additionally, it features a level accuracy, with optional step attenuator, of ±0.6 to 0.8 dB. Other options to the Agilent N5183A MXG include analog modulation and pulse modulation—all housed in a compact 2U (3 inch high) package that better uses rack space. Agilent's N5183A MXG offers a viable replacement to legacy HP/Agilent signal generators and is programming compatible with the 8340, 8360 and 8370 Series signal generators as well as the ESG, PSG and 8662A/8663A solutions.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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