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ViaSat Reports Record Revenues, Profitability

07 февраля 2008

ViaSat reported quarterly and year-to-date revenues of $152.1 million and $427.2 million, respectively, for the fiscal third quarter. In addition, the satellite networking company said that pre-tax earnings were up 83 percent for the quarter and 26 percent year-to-date.

ViaSat Reports Record Revenues, Profitability"Third quarter earnings reflect significant margin improvement in both government and commercial products," said ViaSat CEO Mark Dankberg. "Compared to the same period last year, pre-tax income grew over 80 percent, even while we invested over 50 percent more in R&D. Quarterly and year-to-date earnings and revenues are at record levels. While year-to-date orders are solid, third quarter awards reflect timing delays of anticipated extensions to on-going government development contracts."

Things have been going well for ViaSat this year, with net income for the first nine months of fiscal year 2007 outstripping the same period in 2006 with $23 million, compared to $21.6 million. The company's government segment recorded a 23 percent increase in quarterly revenues to $84.9 million, while the commercial segment jumped 21.4 percent.

Beyond the financials, highlights for the quarter included ViaSat's collaboration with Eutelsat and Loral to construct and launch a new broadband satellite to be called ViaSat-1. Under terms of the deal, ViaSat will be the exclusive provider of broadband networking equipment for the satellite, which is anticipated to augment Telesat's ANIK F-2 and ANIK F-3 Ka-band coverage, as well as Eutelsat's KA-SAT.

Источник: SkyREPORT

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