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RIM embracing BYOD

12 октября 2012

Research In Motion Ltd., struggling to maintain consumer interest in the wait for its next line of BlackBerrys, due out early next year, must also convince its core business customers to stick around.

Part of that effort is showing off a service that will allow businesses to manage any smartphone or tablet, including devices from competitors like Apple Inc.

This offering, called Mobile Fusion, is part of RIM's recognition that many companies are allowing employees to bring iPhones to work, part of what is known in business circles as the Bring Your Own Device trend.

"BYOD is a concept we are embracing at RIM," Andrew McLeod, RIM's managing director of Canada operations, said Thursday at an event in Toronto for business customers.

The event, the BlackBerry Enterprise Forum, is the first of seven aimed directly at businesses. At the event, the company outlined some of the business-focused tools of its new operating system, BlackBerry 10.

In introductory remarks Thursday in front of a full audience, Mr. McLeod said he's often asked how RIM is doing as it struggles amid declining market share and a plunging stock price.

"It's never boring," he said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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