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Juniper Networks pushes operators into digital advertising market as part of products launch

04 октября 2012

Juniper Networks has launched a series of products that it claims will help operators to monetise their networks and new services.

The five launches are all based on JN’s existing MX network edge router and serve both retail and enterprise markets.

On the retail side, two new products aim to improve video streaming, provide parental control services and enable digital advertising.

Junos Content Encore is a content caching application embedded on a single line card that enables content to be stored closer to the subscriber.

Adaptive bit rate technology means premium content, such as IPTV or on-demand services, can be streamed to multiple device types in “exceptional quality”.

Junos Web Aware software, meanwhile, enables operators to deliver parental control services – JN said this could increase ARPU by up to $5.

It also allows operators to tap into the digital advertising market.

Operators are cut out of this currently as ads are inserted directly into content, but the JN solution means operators can manipulate HTTP headers to include extra information such as end user postcodes.

The modified information could then be sold to advertisers who are increasingly looking at ways to better target specific consumer segments.

For the enterprise market, JunosV Firefly enables operators to offer virtualised firewalls for improved security in the cloud.

The Business Cloud CPE, meanwhile, opens up a new managed service possibility for operators.

The solution enables monitoring and Layer 2/3 routing intelligence to be offloaded from an end users premises to an operator’s MX router.

Finally, the Junos Node Unifier combines MX routers and other switches into a single virtualised element for easier management.

A JN spokesperson said the launches were all part of the vendor's vision to move away from the traditional legacy approach and offer something "fundamentally different".

Источник: European Communications

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