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Acer Cancels Chinese Smartphone Launch Following Pressure from Google

14 сентября 2012

Taiwan's Acer has cancelled a press conference to launch a new smartphone based on an operating system developed by China's Alibaba Group, allegedly following pressure from Google.

Alibaba claimed that Acer had been warned that cooperation over the Android OS was at risk if it went ahead with supporting the Chinese developed OS in its smartphones.

"Our partner was notified by Google that if the product runs Aliyun OS, Google will terminate its Android-related cooperation and other technology licensing with our partner," according to a statement from the Chinese firm.

Alibaba is a giant Chinese conglomerate often described as the eBay for companies, but also operates Yahoo's Chinese portal. The company had been working on its own smartphone OS, called Aliyun, which is already available in phones from Haier and K-Touch.

The Aliyun based smartphones are only available in China, which restricts their availability - albeit to the largest single market in the world. The move also seems unusual considering that even existing Android loyalists such as HTC and Samsung offer handset with other operating systems in them.

A spokesman for Alibaba Cloud Computing, developer of the Aliyun 2.0 cloud OS, called Google's action "clearly unfair to consumers and we are concerned about the impact on customer access to competitive products."

Neither Acer nor Google are commenting on the allegations.


Источник: Cellular news

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