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Four bids for Czech 4G spectrum

12 сентября 2012

The Czech Telecommunications Office, or CTU, Tuesday said it received four bids in its auction for frequencies serving fourth-generation broadband mobile phone networks and that it will announce a final winner in early 2013.

CTU said the sale price of the frequencies will be in the range of several billion koruna (1 billion koruna =$52 million).

CTU said the bidders include the three operators already active on the country's mobile market--the local unit of Spain's Telefonica SA, the local mobile unit of Germany's Deutsche Telekom AG and a unit of U.K. operator Vodafone Plc--as well as a unit of Czech closely-held financial company PPF.

The frequencies were freed up by the country's switch to digital terrestrial television broadcasting, which was completed last year.


Источник: Total Telecom

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