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Unified Communications Sector Gets a Boost from Cloud and BYOD

11 сентября 2012

The growing use of cloud-based services and the need to accommodate "bring your own device" (BYOD) mobile usage is triggering new interest in unified communications (UC) among enterprise customers, according to the latest report from Heavy Reading.

"UC is in a unique position to take advantage of the cloud," says Denise Culver, research analyst with Heavy Reading IP Services Insider and author of the report. "Enterprises want what UC offers - access to multiple, often disparate, product components that, when used together, provide a unified user interface and experience across devices and media types."

UC isn't simply a list of capabilities accessed through a single interface, Culver says.

"To ensure that UC continues to attract and retain users, vendors must continue focusing on interoperability, security and making UC as mobile as possible," she continues. "As focus is placed on integrating UC with BYOD, it will drive higher adoption of readily available UC features and capabilities to all devices, including smartphones, PCs, tablets and readers."

Key findings include the following:

  • Cloud UC technologies improve response times, result in better collaboration and embrace a work-from-anywhere mentality.
  • Replacing legacy equipment is critical, as social media and mobile integration become impossible with TDM and PSTN technologies.
  • Cloud-based UC enables enterprises to implement solutions incrementally, solving the ongoing ROI challenge that traditional UC has been unable to address.
  • The availability of reliable, feature-rich offerings with demonstrable ROI will continue to drive usage across all regions over the next two years.
  • One expected trend is for UC services to be bundled increasingly into product offerings from carriers, cable operators and other service providers.


Источник: Cellular news

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