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SK Telecom, LG Uplus gear up for VoLTE launch

08 августа 2012

SK Telecom and LG Uplus on Tuesday claimed they will become the first operators in the world to offer voice over LTE (VoLTE) when their services go live tomorrow, according to local press reports.

The Korea IT Times reported that SK Telecom's service will be called 'HD Voice', and as the name suggests, it uses a high-definition audio codec that can support voice on a frequency band 2.2 times wider than a 3G voice call. The service also promises to cut call connection times to between 0.25 and 2.5 seconds, compared to an average of 5 seconds for a 3G call.

To make use of HD Voice, both people on the call need to be subscribed to SK Telecom's LTE service, and have HD Voice compatible devices. SK Telecom said that from Wednesday it will begin selling Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE handsets with embedded HD Voice features. Existing customers with Galaxy S3s will receive firmware upgrades later in August that will make their phones compatible.

"Going forward, high-quality voice call is expected to be realised among VoLTE customers of different carriers through service interworking among [the] three Korean mobile carriers (SK Telecom, KT Corp, and LG Uplus)," said SK Telecom, in the report. "In addition, SK Telecom plans to embed HD Voice as a basic feature in most of its LTE smartphones to be released in the future."

SK Telecom also talked up the potential to further enhance its basic communication offering by linking it to Rich Communication Suite (RCS) services, thereby enabling seamless in-call voice-to-video call switching and content sharing.

In a separate report by the Korea Times, LG Uplus said it will offer VoLTE services initially on its LTE Optimus 2 smartphone from Wednesday, but plans to offer at least seven VoLTE handsets before the end of the year.

KT Corp meanwhile has previously detailed plans to launch commercial VoLTE services in October.


Источник: Total Telecom

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