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Audi Works with Sierra Wireless to Build and Test In-car LTE Systems

06 июня 2012

Sierra Wireless today announced that motor car manufacturer, Audi is using its AirPrime embedded wireless modules to help develop and test an LTE-connected infotainment system.

Still in the development and testing stage, the system has been showcased at several industry events this year, including the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas in January, and CeBIT in Hanover, Germany, in March.

Drive tests were started in late 2011 and are ongoing.

"We recognize that automotive customers, with longer product development cycles and products that stay in operation for several years, face special challenges in integrating rapidly evolving wireless technologies," said Didier Dutronc, Senior Vice President, Embedded M2M Solutions for Sierra Wireless.

Sierra Wireless AirPrime modules are available with varying combinations of LTE frequency bands and fallback technologies, and were the first LTE modules available, allowing Audi to work on the leading edge of wireless technology as LTE networks roll out.

Источник: Cellular news

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