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Everything Everywhere trials NFC transport ticketing

28 мая 2012

Orange and T-Mobile UK parent Everything Everywhere on Friday announced plans to trial contactless ticketing, with a view to rolling out a nationwide service next year.

 The trial, in partnership with transport company Stagecoach, will enable a select group of bus customers in Cambridgeshire to receive, store and redeem their tickets using Orange's Quick Tap-branded, NFC-capable handsets.

"We're proud to be working with Stagecoach to help bring public transport ticketing into the 21st century and start a trend towards a future where ultimately the traditional paper and card tickets of today will eventually become a thing of the past," said Gerry McQuade, chief marketing officer of Everything Everywhere.

The trial is designed to monitor levels of customer convenience and operational and technical efficiencies. Depending on how the trial goes, Everything Everywhere said a nationwide rollout on certain bus and rail services could get underway in 2013.

"Smartphones are playing an increasingly important role in helping people manage their busy lifestyles and are already used across many areas of life," commented Martin Griffiths, group finance director at Stagecoach. "Once this trial is complete, we will carry out a review of the findings and assess the potential to expand the scheme further."

Orange UK has been one of the more vocal proponents of contactless services in recent years. It currently offers two Quick Tap NFC phones – both made by Samsung – and has announced it will soon add an NFC-enabled version of Nokia's Lumia 610 to its line-up.

In May 2011 the operator, in partnership with Barclaycard, launched a contactless mobile payments service that enabled end users to make purchases of up to £15 at over 50,000 retail outlets using an NFC handset.

Before then, Orange had also trialled a contactless ticketing service with in partnership with Manchester City Football Club.

Источник: Total Telecom

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