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AT&T: wireless rev to grow in mid-teens in 2008

17 декабря 2007

AT&T Mobility announced that it expects revenue to increase by a mid-teen percentage in 2008 thanks in part to the recent acquisition of Dobson Communications.

AT&T: wireless rev to grow in mid-teens in 2008 The carrier said savings from merger synergies and other items will increase by $2 billion next year. The company's growth in wireless is fueled by broadband upgrades to its network and its exclusive deal with Apple for the iPhone (consumers can buy up to five iPhones at a time now). On the analyst call to discuss AT&T's projected growth for next year, AT&T Mobility president and CEO Ralph de la VEGA repeated his claims that AT&T's network is already "open" because the carrier's GSM networking technology allows users to swap SIMs into different phones, allowing for greater device portability. That doesn't apply to the iPhone, though.

Источник: FierceWireless

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