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Consumers will download 66B mobile apps annually by 2016

09 апреля 2012

Consumers will download more than 66 billion mobile applications per year by 2016, more than double the 31 billion apps installed in 2011, according to a new forecast issued by Juniper Research.

Smartphones will continue driving the majority of mobile downloads, although Juniper anticipates tablets will yield one in every four app installs by 2016. Free apps are expected to make up 87 percent of all downloads, with revenues deriving from post-download activities like in-app virtual goods purchases and subscription sales. Games will remain the most popular app category throughout the forecast period, followed by multimedia.

The Juniper report contends mobile apps will play an increasingly crucial role in brands' customer acquisition and retention strategies. "Consumers are now demanding 24/7 access to services--retail, financial, information, entertainment--wherever they are," said report author Windsor Holden. "As a result, brands that wish to remain competitive have turned to apps as part of a integrated multichannel distribution system: they have become a critical mechanism to increase engagement and reduce churn."

Juniper adds that as the app ecosystem grows more congested, developers and content publishers must collaborate with delivery partners to derive more data about consumer usage patterns, leveraging that information to optimize their monetization options. For example, the report calls on publishers to work with partners in the payments space for insights into user behavior before and after the point of billing. Juniper also suggests that operators should establish a "shelf-in-store" presence in third-party storefronts to improve app sales.

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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