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Mobile payments to be worth $1tn by 2015
06 апреля 2012 |
The global value of mobile payments is set to reach close to $1tn (£591bn) worldwide by 2015. The driver will be consumer demand for devices with сtechnology, which are expected to instigate a 97 per cent growth per year, over the next three years, according to a report by KPMG.
Demand will also be driven by consumers’ growing desire to shop in environments that are ‘always on, always fast and always accessible’, the report added.
“Growth in the m-payments marketplace will be driven by customers’ increasing need for convenience and the development of a raft of new applications enabling commerce in the palm of our hands,” said David Hodgkinson, senior manager in KPMG’s customer and channel consulting team.
“Today premium SMS dominates mobile payments, but by tomorrow contactless and cloud-based services will dominate, with an expected market share for contactless of 37 percent by 2015.”
The firm’s data also shows that 21 per cent of retailers already view m-payment capability as important enough to be their ‘main activity or, at least, a key enabler’. Just two per cent see m-payments as unimportant, believing it will have no bearing on their organisation.
“There is certainly scope for collaboration between smart-phone manufacturers, telecom companies and retailers but the big, unanswered question revolves around who the customer will trust with their data and their m-cash,” said Gerry Penfold, partner within KPMG Risk Consulting.
“Battle lines will be drawn around issues such as security, infrastructure and interoperability of devices. For consumers, speed and security of payment will be the mark of success, but for technology and telecoms companies, speed to market will be critical and how quickly they can respond will depend on the impact of regulation. Clearly, though the winners will be the companies that can provide the richest consumer experience with the greatest convenience.”
Источник: telecoms.com
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