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ITU report finds broadband pivotal to creating a low-carbon future

04 апреля 2012

Broadband services can help the world transition towards a low-carbon economy and address the causes and effects of climate change, according to a new report from the Broadband Commission for Digital Development, part of the International Telecommunications Union.

“Addressing climate change implies completely transforming our way of life, the way we work, the way we travel, shifting our model of development to a fairer, more sustainable model to ensure our survival,” said Dr Hamadoun Touré, Secretary of the ITU. “We need to put at stake all the resources available to us, and mobilise the political will to turn discussions and negotiations into agreements and actions.”

The report was produced from work conducted by the Broadband Commission Working Group on Climate Change, chaired by Ericsson CEO Hans Vestberg, and comprising several members of the Commission, representing industry, international organisations, and NGOs.

“The understanding of the benefits that broadband can bring is at a global tipping point,” said Vestberg. “Its role in GDP growth, in enabling the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and offsetting the effects of climate change is just now starting to be understood, because finally the deployment is there and the benefits can be realised. In today’s economic climate, societies need to develop, and with a solutions-driven approach to climate change, we can accelerate a new type of green growth while supporting global sustainable development goals.”

The report makes ten recommendations for policymakers and global leaders intended to expedite the power of ICT and broadband to accelerate global progress towards a low-carbon economy

Источник: telecoms.com

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