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$12M ad campaign planned to raise awareness of Skype's other features

03 апреля 2012

It looks like Microsoft is starting to push for its $8.5 billion purchase of Skype last year to start paying dividends.

Skype is rolling out a $12 million ad campaign in the United States and United Kingdom aimed at raising awareness of the multiple features of the free VoIP offering and focuses on "big, bold statements to grab people's attention and get them to think about how they communicate."

"A lot of people have great stories to tell about using Skype with friends and family, but they often see us as a one-dimensional product," said Francie Strong, Skype's director of global customer-base marketing. "We're proud of our video calls, but we also want them to know about our other products: screen-sharing, group video, file transfer, instant messaging, calls to mobile and landlines. The combination of features allows a more natural conversation."

The ad campaign will start with billboards with messages like, "When did it become OK to text Mum happy birthday?" and "140 characters doesn't equal staying in touch." The company said it's focusing on the U.S. and U.K markets because the two markets are mature and important to the company.

A digital ad campaign will debut later this month on sites like CNN, BBC, Facebook, Lonely Planet, AOL, Yahoo, Wired, MSN, Mailonline, iVillage, CBS and Hulu. Its focus will be more on the features that Skype offers.

Strong said the campaign also will target people who've downloaded the service but don't use it.

ComScore said Skype had 12.5 million unique visitors in February, up 3.3 million from a year ago.

Speculation about how Microsoft would integrate the service into its product line has been rampant but, so far, the software giant hasn't done much new with its acquisition.

Источник: FierceEnterpriseCommunications

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