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T-Mobile USA to cut 1,900 jobs

26 марта 2012

T-Mobile USA is planning to cut 3,300 jobs, and immediately hire 1,400 more employees, resulting in 1,900 net job losses. The cuts come as part of the operator’s plans to consolidate its call centre operations from 24 to 17 facilities.

T-Mobile is inviting employees from the seven call centers, planned for closure, to transfer to another facility, and has offered them relocation assistance. It employs approximately 3,300 people at the seven affected facilities.

Philipp Humm, CEO and president of T-Mobile, explained that the closing of the call centres is an important step for the carrier to remain competitive.  “These are not easy steps to take, but they are necessary to realise efficiency in order to invest for growth,” he said.

The operator also plans to restructure and optimise operations in other parts of the business by the end of 2Q12. Some of these strategic changes, which were announced in February 2012, include a $4bn modernisation of its network, the planned launch of LTE in 2013 and an investment in 1,000 new business sales positions.


Источник: telecoms.com

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