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Video communications poised for rapid expansion

14 февраля 2012

Network peering specialist XConnect said it saw a 61 percent increase in revenue across all services in 2011, driven in part by a booming video communications market and a spike in traffic across the company's global network.

Business videoconferencing traffic growth is significantly outpacing overall business IP traffic, at a CAGR of 41 percent from 2010-2015, according to Cisco, which has projected a sixfold increase in videoconferencing traffic during that period.

Last year, XConnect launched the Video Interconnection Exchange (VIE), what it calls the world's first neutral federation for video communications. It has since established strategic alliances with such video ecosystem players as BCS Global and IPV to expand the video community and in an effort to make video calling as easy as voice calling.

XConnect said it saw a 78 percent increase in the number of calls handled, and growth in the volume of queries to its global ENUM-based registry to 3 billion, up 78 percent. XConnect's ENUM registry included 2.2 billion numbers at year's end.

"Our continued investment in groundbreaking technology and solutions is paying off with satisfying uptake in XConnect services for one-stop interconnection across networks and platforms," XConnect CEO Eli Katz said. "We continue to foresee rapid growth as video, high-definition (HD) voice and other next-generation services gain traction as more powerful devices and applications emerge almost daily."

The company said that in 2012, it would focus on continuing to meet growing demands for sophisticated interconnection services this year, and it planned to create more national federations with interexchange services partners, such as the one formed last month with Germany's DE-CIX, Katz said.

In 2012, XConnect also hopes to work with mobile network operators to integrate ENUM registry capabilities into the GSMA Rich Communications Suite (RCS-e) to enable operators to deliver instant messaging or chat, live video sharing, and file transfer across any device on any network and to benefit from growth of the over-the-top market to provide video and VoIP capabilities for social networks.

Источник: FierceEnterpriseCommunications

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