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Telus launches LTE in 14 cities

13 февраля 2012

Telus on Friday launched LTE services in 14 Canadian cities, giving customers access to mobile data speeds of up to 75 Mbps.

The operator said it plans to extend LTE coverage to 25 million Canadians by the end of 2012.

"We're listening to our customers and working hard to give them clear and simple service terms with no surprises," said Eros Spadotto, Telus' executive vice president of technology strategy, in a statement on Thursday. "Consistent with this approach, our current rate plans will apply to our 4G LTE customers. We are not introducing a new rate plan or charging a premium to enjoy our new network."

Telus' LTE network can support connection speeds of up to 75 Mbps, but the operator said it expects its customers are more likely to experience speeds averaging between 12 Mbps and 25 Mbps.

The 14 areas covered by the launch are Belleville, Calgary, Edmonton, Guelph, Halifax, Hamilton, Kitchener, Montreal, Ottawa, Québec City, Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area, Vancouver, Waterloo and Yellowknife.

Telus said customers that move beyond the range of its LTE network will seamlessly roll back onto its HSPA+ network.

Telus has become Canada's third mobile operator to launch LTE services.

Rogers Communications in July 2011 became the first player in the country to offer LTE, followed by Bell Canada in September.

Meanwhile in the same month Shaw Communications scrapped its own plans to launch LTE altogether. The Internet and cable and satellite TV provider has opted instead to build out a managed WiFi network.

Источник: Total Telecom

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