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Ericsson, Qualcomm make progress on VoLTE

03 февраля 2012

Ericsson and Qualcomm announced on Thursday that they have made a significant step forward when it comes to making voice calls over LTE networks.

The pair made what they claim is the world's first voice call handover between LTE and WCDMA networks on 23 December last year. The handover was based on Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC), a 3GPP-standardised function that allows for seamless handover, until now a potential challenge for LTE operators.

"This is an entirely positive step," for voice over LTE (VoLTE), Dan Warren, senior director of technology at the GSMA, told Total Telecom. "[With SRVCC] if I start an LTE voice call and... all of a sudden I move out of an area with LTE coverage... the call doesn't drop," Warren explained.

"[It's a] pretty essential part to allowing voice over LTE to come into existence," he added.

Despite allowing LTE to hand over voice calls to most 2G and 3G networks, SRVCC does not work with CDMA, Warren said.

In theory, this could create problems for telcos like Verizon Wireless in the U.S., which has a CDMA network. However, Verizon itself intends to extend its LTE coverage over its entire network before releasing VoLTE. Therefore, if a customer were to step outside the LTE coverage area, they would be outside Verizon's reach completely.

The next step is for the vendors to bring the technology to market.

"Until this piece of technology can be repeated [on a commercial scale]... there really isn't an option to deploy voice over LTE," Warren said.

He predicts that VoLTE will be available to consumers from late 2012, but "it'll be 2013 when it will really begin to scale," he concluded.

Источник: Total Telecom

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