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Telecom Italia Launches Medical Monitoring Service Via Mobile Phone

02 февраля 2012

The "Nuvola It Home Doctor" system developed by Telecom Italia is enabling chronic patients who are being treated at the Molinette Hospital in Turin to monitor their physiological parameters via mobile phone from their own homes.

Following a joint trial, the service is now available to chronic patients under treatment in the Molinette Hospital Geriatric Unit and the Molinette Home Hospital Unit and will be gradually rolled out to the cardiology, pneumology, neurology, haematology units and some areas of internal medicine. The Region of Piedmont and the AReSS are proposing to extend the distance monitoring service to cover large sections of the population as part of a policy to bring the health service closer to the community.

The metrics are sent to the platform automatically by the phone over the mobile network. The solution can also operate on ADSL, Wi-Fi and satellite networks, allowing the service to be used wherever a data connection is available. The doctors access the platform via the web to monitor the data and adjust their treatment.

Telecom Italian expects that the service will be taken up by other hospitals in the region to monitor as many as 5,000 patients from their own homes.


Источник: Cellular news

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