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Accenture predicts the rise of the data guru

25 января 2012

Accenture predicts CIOs who understand the power of data will make great strategic partners for business.

In its Technology Vision 2012, Accenture said it expects businesses to take advantage of easy access to many sources of contextual information. This includes soaring smartphone usage, the expansion of cloud computing, an explosion of social media participation and the development of powerful tools for aggregating and analysing multiple forms of data.

“CIOs and other IT leaders who have started to leverage contextual data to build a deeper understanding of consumer preferences and habits are establishing themselves as strategic players within their companies,” said Gavin Michael, Accenture’s chief technology innovation officer who spearheaded the research. “They are teaming more effectively with functions such as sales and marketing and leveraging contextual services to drive new revenue and deliver more value for their businesses.”

Accenture expects data architectures will need to change to bridge old and new databases and systems to unlock value. Businesses need to develop data architectures for effectively handling both structured and unstructured information.

Getting the architecture right is crucial to enabling business to share data more freely and easily, and so generate new business value, according to Accenture.

Accenture said data architects need to understand unstructured data, as relational databases are no longer the only tool in the toolkit.

Источник: Computerworld

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