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ZTE, Microsoft partner to tackle UK smartphone market

20 января 2012

ZTE and Microsoft hope that by working together they can expand their presence in the U.K. mobile market.

ZTE on Wednesday launched its first new U.K. handset of 2012, the ZTE Tania, which runs on Microsoft's Windows Phone operating system. The device will be available through various U.K. retailers with tariff packages ranging from £10-£20 per month.

As the price point - and ZTE's sponsorship of emerging U.K. rapper Professor Green, who performed at the Tania launch event – suggests, the handset is aimed at the price-sensitive but demanding youth market.

ZTE is a new name in the U.K., but partnering with an established player like Microsoft will "really help [us] open the market up," said Chris Edwards, European marketing and business development director at ZTE.

"We've got the scale, we've got the credibility, the industry knows what we're about," said Edwards. Now ZTE needs to "get the consumers".

ZTE's hardware, plus the Windows OS, at an affordable cost will "enable us to reach new users in the market," said Nick Hedderman, head of consumer marketing for Windows Phone UK, at Microsoft.

The Tania will go on sale in February, confirmed Wu Sa, director of mobile device operations at ZTE UK.

He also hinted that the Tania will be the first of many own-brand devices that ZTE will bring to market this year. "There will be more [new] ZTE devices on display" at the forthcoming Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, he said.

Источник: Total Telecom

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