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Orange, Bouygues in France FTTH deal

18 января 2012

France Telecom-Orange has inked a deal with rival Bouygues Telecom that will see Bouygues use its fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) infrastructure across much of France.

Under the terms of the agreement, Bouygues Telecom will have access to the horizontal network segment of Orange's FTTH infrastructure in very densely populated areas. In other words, Bouygues will be able to use the last section of the network that connects to the foot of a building; within the building, the telco will be required to roll out its own network or broker a separate cable-sharing deal.

The partnership gives Bouygues Telecom access to 1.7 million homes in very densely populated areas, that is France's 148 largest municipalities, as defined by regulator Arcep. In turn, Orange is able to make the most of its investment in the network through deals like this one. Two years ago it pledged to invest €2 billion by 2015 in its FTTH deployment project.

Outside the country's densely populated areas Bouygues has struck a wholesale cable-sharing agreement with Orange for the terminal segment of its FTTH network. The deal covers 8.9 million homes.

This is not Orange's first fibre network-sharing deal. Late last year it reached agreement with SFR under which the pair will jointly invest in high-speed broadband networks outside major cities; in July it did a similar deal with Iliad, covering rural areas.

Источник: Total Telecom

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