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China Mobile and Clearwire collaborate on TD-LTE

18 января 2012

The world’s biggest carrier in terms of subscribers, China Mobile, is testing interoperability specifications for the time division flavour of LTE (TD-LTE) with US operator Clearwire.

The two operators, along with other members of the Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI), plan to establish 4G mobile broadband labs in the US and China, featuring a joint test platform and IOT environment for TD-LTE devices to establish common test specifications and joint interoperability testing (IOT) for the global band configurations, including 2.3GHz to 2.7GHz.

The expected availability of the Quad-Band LTE 2.3-2.7 GHz spectrum range, in addition to certain other bands like 1.9GHz, as well as FDD and TD-LTE mobility interactions, makes it an ideal global configuration for mass 4G marketing worldwide, the duo claim. The labs will allow for the evaluation and qualification of commercial TD-LTE devices simultaneously in the US, China, and other promising markets, using common testing methodology, equipment, and infrastructure.

“The unmatched spectrum portfolio underlying Clearwire’s planned LTE network has the potential to deliver faster speeds and with greater capacity than any current or proposed 4G network in the United States,” said John Saw, chief technology officer of Clearwire. “Close collaboration with global wireless leader China Mobile accelerates the development of multi-mode multi-band TD-LTE and LTE FDD devices and provides the common test specifications OEMs, ODMs, chipset vendors and other critical component manufacturers need to rapidly develop and commercialize products to serve this massive global marketplace.”

In related news, Chinese manufacturer Huawei, said Tuesday it has won a contract to provide Nigerian operator Zoda Fones with a commercial TD-LTE network for the capital and its surrounding areas. The deal marks Nigeria, and Huawei’s, first TD-LTE network deployment.

Источник: telecoms.com

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